* Name * Your Email * Phone Number PROSPECTIVE STUDENT’S DETAILS * Family name * Child’s first name * Date of birth ... * Gender Please Select Male Female * Nationality * Proposed year of entry * Religion PRESENT SCHOOL * School name * Address * Current class * Email next Parents / Guardian Information Page (2 of 2) FATHER’S DETAILS Name of father Residential Address Occupation Nationality Country of residence Mobile phone Email MOTHER’S DETAILS Name of Mother Residential Address Occupation Nationality Country of residence Mobile phone Email * Indicate contact person Please Select Father Mother Guardian GUARDIAN DETAILS If contact person is the guardian, please complete the information below Name of Guardian Residential Address Occupation Nationality Country of residence Mobile phone Email Kindly attach items listed below: Child birth certificate Child latest school report (if applicable) Passport photograph Child immunisation certificates Click to select file (you can upload more than once) * I hereby confirm that the information provided above is correct * Relationship to Child Please Select Father Mother Guardian Anti Spam back Submit Thank you for filling the admission form. We shall get back to you shortly. Files submitted, sending form data now. Please do not abort!Please turn on javascript to submit your data. Thank you!